Asbury Methodist Church Facilities Request Form

To request space at Asbury Methodist Church, please fill out this form. For inside (ministry) groups, your request is automatically accepted unless there is a conflict, in which case we will contact you.

For outside groups, the request must be sent, then we will get in touch with you to approve or deny your request. A 50% payment must be made before the request is approved and put on the calendar. Please feel free to call our office with any questions or for more information on rates at (361) 992-7501.
Event Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
If group is outside of Asbury, please fill out this section:

Building & Equipment:

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please note: If a sound or media person is needed, there will be an additional fee of $75 per hour, minimum of one hour, including setup, teardown, and any media creation.

Please select one option.

By signing below, you agree to the building use policies attached to this form. You are also agreeing to release any liability from Asbury Methodist Church against all injury, property damage or loss, illness, or injury leading to death.



To request space at Asbury Methodist Church, please fill out this form. For inside (ministry) groups, your request is automatically accepted unless there is a conflict, in which case we will contact you.

For outside groups, the request must be sent, then we will get in touch with you to approve or deny your request. A 50% payment must be made before the request is approved and put on the calendar. Please feel free to call our office with any questions or for more information on rates at (361) 992-7501.